5 Series That Shouldn’t Have Been Axed…and 5 That Should Have Been Axed Earlier

The ‘Gone Too Soon’ ones

Pushing Daises

This charming and genuinely original romantic comedy followed Ned, whose supernatural powers allow him to bring anyone back to life with a single touch. Which is why, after re-aliving his one true love, things get very complicated. While the series has a cult following to this day, its interesting concept may have been a bit much for some audiences, and Pushing Daises was axed after just two wonderful, technicolour seasons.


Created by cancelled Buffy writer Joss Whedon, Firefly was pinned to be as popular as it’s vampire-slaying sister, but unfortuntely didn’t live up to the success and was cancelled after just 11 episodes were aired. Despite its short run, the series, which follows a transport spaceship crew trying to survive the challenges of a dystopian future, remains a cult favourite of sci-fi fans everywhere.


Another sci-fi series, this time in the form of Reaper, which followed college dropout Sam, who finds himself forced to be the Devil’s
employee as a bounty hunter of the underworld, due to a dodgy agreement his parents made years ago. With an interesting premise and great casting – most notably starring Ray Wise as Lucifer himself – it was a real shame when the comedy was cancelled after only two seasons.

Freaks and Geeks

A common edition to ‘cancelled too soon’ lists, Judd Apatow’s coming-of-age comedy Freaks and Geeks provided relatably cringy storylines and early roles for future stars such as Seth Rogen, James Franco and Linda Cardellini. But it was the ‘Geeks’, comprising of lead character Lindsey’s little brother and his dorky pals, that really stole the show. Sadly, and almost unbelievably, the hit series never even reached a second season.

Lizzie McGuire

Although it feels as though we all spent years watching the clumsy teen fashionista, it can’t be the case, as the Disney Channel series only ran for two glorious seasons. At least we got the movie, too.

The ‘Is That Still Going?’ ones

The Simpsons

Despite the beloved animated sitcom probably peaking at it’s sixth season back in the ’90s, the yellow family still trudge on through shark-jumping plots and tired pop culture references. Some fans will insist “It still has good jokes!” but no new episodes compare to those of yore.

Grey’s Anatomy

As the medical drama meanders on without its lead character and title character, Dr Meredith Grey, viewers wonder if the end will ever come. Dr Grey (who is still continuing in a much smaller, recurring role) is one of many characters that have jumped ship over the years, but the show must go on, apparently.

One Tree Hill

The first four seasons of the North Carolina-set teen drama were packed full of thrills, laughs and evil parents, but, when the ageing actors caused the show to age up their lead characters, the series lost a lot of it’s appeal, apparently for its cast as well as viewers, as two of the leads left following season six. However OTH still kept going for another dull three seasons.

How I Met Your Mother

The HIMYM writers made the mistake of believing it’s hype, and, despite its original popularity, annoyed fans with increasingly tiresome in-jokes and an ending that left most fans dumbfounded, meaning it isn’t remembered in the same nostalgia as it’s predecessor, Friends.

The Walking Dead

The zombie drama was once one of the most popular series on the box, but, with a dwindling original cast and tired plot-lines, failed to excite viewers in its final few seasons.

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